
Please report issues with the manual on the GitHub page.

1. Quick Start

1.1. Installation

1.1.1. Download source code

Clone WRF-SUEWS repository:

git clone

After cloning the repo, make sure you use the following commands to update SUEWS repo associated with WRF-SUEWS

git submodule init
git submodule update


An older version of SUEWS (v2018c) is used in this coupling work; the most up-to-date SUEWS is v2020a.

1.1.2. Couple WRF and SUEWS

Suppose you are in the root location of WRF-SUEWS directory, run the following code to set up a workspace folder for the coupled code (a folder named WRF-SUEWS by default; the name can be customised):

# go to the coupler directory
cd coupling-automator

# run the coupler

1.1.3. Compile WRF-SUEWS

Then go into the workspace folder (WRF-SUEWS if not set otherwise) and configure the compilation, which is now same as the standard WRF workflow:


Compile the code as follows:

./compile em_real >& compile.log


If working on jasmin, you can also submit the job as following:

#BSUB -q short-serial
#BSUB -o %J.out
#BSUB -e %J.err
#BSUB -W 02:30

./compile em_real >& log.compile

1.2. Pre-processing

The WRF-SUEWS pre-processing consists of two steps:

1.2.1. Standard WPS pre-processing

To generate the standard wrfinput files, please follow the official tutorial. Once wrfinput (initial conditions) and wrfbdy (boundary conditions) files are generated by WPS, please further modify wrfinput using WRF-SUEWS pre-processor (WSPS) described as follows.

1.2.2. SUEWS-specific pre-processing

We strongly recommend Anaconda-based python environment for running WSPS.

After Anaconda is installed, please use conda to create a fresh environment named WRF_SUEWS_pre for WSPS:

cd input-processor/pre-processor-UK
conda env create -f environment.yml

Then switch to new environment and run WSPS:

conda activate WRF_SUEWS_pre


Please change the settings in if necessary following instructions in WRF-SUEWS Pre-processor.

After running WSPS, WRF-SUEWS specific wrfinput netCDF files (e.g., wrfinput_d03.suews) will be generated under output.

1.3. Simulation

run simulation

1- After compilation of the code and pre-processing steps to prepare wrf_input files, you need to transfer all the wrf_input files to the location of main run (usually [WRF-SUEWS directory]/test/em_real). It should include the boundary condition file.

2- You also need to copy namelist.suews to the same location.

3- Use LANDUSE.TBL in ./test/em_real to change the albedo associated with Urban areas (number 13 for MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH for both winter and summer. By default it is 15% (0.15). In London case, it is changed to 11%(0.11) based on Ward et al. 2016)

4- namelist.input should also be modified to be consistent for WRF-SUEWS. See examples [here]( (specially the sf_surface_physics = 9 which specifies to use SUEWS as the LSM).

5- Finally, use the following script to run the simulations on JASMIN (go to [WRF-SUEWS directory]/test/em_real):

``` #!/bin/bash #BSUB -q par-multi #BSUB -n 30 #BSUB -o %J.out #BSUB -e %J.err #BSUB -W 48:00

echo “Running WRF” mpirun ./wrf.exe ```

1.4. Post-processing